All sporting movements and physical activities require some degree of muscular force production and therefore strength. These forces can be small like those required to throw a ball a short distance. Or these forces can be large, like those required to pull your bodyweight up in climbing or change direction at speed in football. It follows that a young person lacking in strength is therefore likely to find a range of sporting tasks and activities more difficult if not impossible.
Previous research has also revealed close associations between muscular strength and other physical competencies such as running speed, muscular power, plyometric ability and endurance. Furthermore muscular strength is also critical for developing fundamental movement skills as the body must have the strength to move itself in and out of various positions.
Unfortunately playing sports alone without any accompanying strength training will not develop a level of strength that can transfer to the broadest number of sporting skills. For those involved in regular youth sport, it is likely that they will increase their sporting success by taking time out of their regular sports practice to include some strength training. A properly designed youth appropriate training programme along with great coaching will go a long way to increasing sport skill, especially since strength is highly trainable in young people.

To learn more about how we support schools and young people to develop the strength they need please get in contact.